There are many reasons why climate change, though rarely debated among the scientific community, finds itself the topic of furious debate among some sectors of the population. One of those reasons is that there is a lot of misinformation out there about climate change. Today, Cooper Graham Photography shares some basic facts to cut through the confusion.
So, is it ‘Climate Change’ or ‘Global Warming’?
It’s both, really. Though the terms are often used interchangeably, there is a difference in the terminology. Global warming refers to the rise in average Earth temperatures over the past century and beyond. Global warming is caused by the greenhouse effect, which humans have exacerbated by their production of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses. Climate change refers to a broad range of global events including rising sea levels, melting polar ice, and extreme weather patterns. Global warming is the main cause of, and is a part of, climate change.
How Do Scientists Know What the Climate Was Like in the Past?
Scientists aren’t just guessing about global conditions thousands of years ago. We, of course, have human records of climate going back hundreds of years, but when researchers need to get a bigger picture of Earth’s historical climate, they turn to ice and trees. By extracting ice cores, scientists can learn about past climate through trapped gas bubbles, ash, pollen, and more. “The particles trapped inside give scientists clues about volcanic eruptions, desert extent, and forest fires.
The presence of certain ions indicates past ocean activity, levels of sea ice, and even the intensity of the sun. The bubbles can be released to reveal the make-up of the ancient atmosphere, including greenhouse gas levels,” notes NASA. Rings inside tree trunks can also give us a picture of growing climates as far back as 2,000 years.
What is the Current Evidence for Man-Made Climate Change?
About 35 billion metric tons of CO2 is pumped into the atmosphere annually, according to Scientific American. For hundreds of thousands of years, the atmospheric (CO2) concentration varied but stayed within a range of about 170 to 300 parts per million. Now we’re seeing that number at close to 400 PPM. We see the effects of climate change through melting ice, rising sea levels, ocean acidification, more extreme weather events (like hurricanes, floods, and tsunamis), and in the destruction of some flora and fauna species.
What Can One Person Do to Combat Climate Change?
You may hear that you can’t make a difference when it comes to climate change. Actually, there are many things you can do around your home to help curb climate change, from recycling to installing more energy-efficient appliances and lighting to conserving water. As you take steps to make your home more eco-friendly, fix any broken appliances that may be using more energy than they were designed for. Go online and search for an appliance repair company to find a pro that can handle the repairs, and be sure to read up on customer reviews to validate their expertise and service.
You can also focus on purchasing items that are sustainably made, that can be recycled or that help eliminate waste. All of these steps will help reduce your footprint and help in the battle against man-made climate change.
If you want to take your efforts a step further, you can create a business to help the environment and spread climate change awareness. There are many different ideas you can explore, from creating reusable shopping bags to creating organic food that’s good for pets and the environment. Find an idea that speaks to you and run with it.
Many small business owners choose to form a limited liability company (LLC) because of the protection of personal assets. Other benefits of running an LLC are the decreased amount of paperwork and the tax advantages over, for example, a corporate structure. An online formation service can help you form an LLC and ensure the proper documentation and filing requirements are taken care of. You can learn more about how to launch your venture with this helpful guide on LLC regulations and how to get started.
But you alone cannot turn the tide. It’s going to take a large-scale effort at the local, national, and global levels. This is why activism is so important. Write to your politicians. Tell them that this issue is important. Vote. Hold those who ignore climate change accountable. Volunteer to help an environmental organization like Greenpeace. Research local causes and consider making a recurring donation. Stay active and make your voice be heard -- and encourage others to do the same.
Need photographs for your eco-friendly business? Get in touch with Cooper Graham Photography today by emailing info@coopergraham.com.
Image via Pixabay
Article Written on April 10, 2023 by: Emily Graham